Preveza Chamber
Kokkini Rania
Dodonis 47, Preveza
+30 26820 29414
The Preveza Chamber of Commerce is NPDD. with elected Governing Bodies, elected by the members of the Chamber every four years. It is an advisory and advisory body to the State and its members, aimed at protecting and developing commerce, industry, crafts, professions, services and promoting the development of the Region in the context of the national economy.
The basic competences of the Chamber according to the role that it is called upon to play and envisaged by the applicable legal framework, can be categorized as follows:
- Advisory and advisory role. It is the natural role of the Chambers to submit proposals on every issue related to the operation of the business environment and to local development issues.
- Administrative role. These are all of its administrative responsibilities, such as: keeping a register of their members, keeping records of names and distinctive titles, conducting expert opinions, arbitrations, granting certificates of origin, etc. Also other powers conferred by special laws such as: registries of exporters, insurance consultants, brokers and licensing.