This modality for B2B approach to logistics allows you to list/search/request for desired fresh food products and track their shipping, using the dedicated modules on the FRESH WAYS ICT platform.

In details:

  • The first module will guide Buyers and Producers in matching their fresh food demand and supply that they will exchange with the help of Freight Forwarders. The Producer can enter her/his products on the Platform, while the Buyer can search and select the products, and find the most suitable transport alternative between the traditional transport method and the new transport method introduced by the Fresh Ways project. When the Buyer selects the Fresh Ways transport mode, she/he will be informed on the feasibility of the fresh product supply. The module connects the Buyer and the Producer with a Freight Forwarder that will lead the following steps to finalize the transaction, and to ship the fresh products.
  • A dedicated cost/time/footprint comparison method will support the Buyer in the choice between the available transport alternatives. This method makes use of a specific module to estimate costs associated to the air transport when using the FRESH WAYS transport mode.
  • Finally, thanks to a traceability module all the users involved in the food products exchange can verify where the freights are at specified points along the transport chain. The traceability functionality (based on QR code technology) is available when the Producer and the Freight Forwarder use the Fresh Ways traceability Mobile APP.

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